

9/16 英会話振り返り


Goal: I can listen to and understand an explanation of symptoms



Q. What do you do when someone around you is sick?


A.  When someone around me is sick, I would have to be cautious to protect myself from getting sick. 

First, I'll ask what symptoms he is experiencing or suffering from. If he is manifesting transferable symptoms, I would excuse myself and stay away from the person.

Second, if the person doesn't manifest transrable symptoms, I would usually offer help like taking the person to nearby hospital or taking care of the person especially if he is someone close to me.






・would: 丁寧な表現の時に用いられる。will が意志を表すように、would も控えめに意志を示すときに使われる。

・be cautious: 戒める、用心する

・manifest: 形容詞、「明白な」という意味。ex) manifest evidence で明白な証拠

・transferable: 形容詞、「移すことのできる」という意味。ここでは感染症を表す

・excuse oneself: 席を外す、その場を去ることを丁寧に伝える表現。弁解する、言い訳をするという意味もある

stay away from ~: ~から離れる、~と距離を取る

・offer: 申し出る、提供する