

9/30英会話振り返り Part2


Goal: I can read and understand health advice



get eight hours of sleep: 8時間睡眠をとる

eat three decent meals: 3食きちんと食べる

quit smoking: たばこをやめる

limit your alcohol: アルコールを制限する

lose weight: 体重を減らす、痩せる

get active: 活動的にする


▶Grammar Tip

recommend you + (that) +動詞 や、suggest you +(that) +動詞 の形でアドバイスをすることができる


I recommend you get eight hours of sleep.

I suggest that you limit your alcohol.






I said: What are symptoms?

Correct: What are your symptom?

I said: My friend want to become ~

Correct: My friend wants to become ~



I said: She get weight.

Correct: She gained weight.

gain weight で、体重が増える、太るという意味なので覚えておく


I said: Everyone in my university have ~

Correct: Everyone in my university has

三単現の "s" を忘れない!