



Goal: Help your coworker understand Japanese healthcare


▶a few と many の使い分け

二つ以上の物(名詞)にかかる時は、many を使う。a few は使えない。

many は万能。かかる物(名詞)が一つでも複数でも使える。



They sell a few kinds of organic fruits.

They sell a few kinds of organic fruits and vegetables.  

They sell many kinds of organic fruits and vegetables.



They gave a few pencils to the children.

They gave a few pencils and papers to the children. 

They sell many pencils and papers to the children.





Goal: I can read and understand health advice



I said: I found some tips to improve our health.

Correct: I found some tips on how to improve our health.



I said: You're too hungry, you overeat.

Correct: If you're too hungry, you may overeat.



I said: I recommend that you eat 350 gram of vegetables every day.

Correct: I recommend that you eat 350 grams of vegetables every day.






Goal: I can make suggestions for reducing stress



set some goals: 目標を設定する

spend time outdoors: 屋外で時間を使う、spendの後は、必ず時間が来る

take care of your body: 体をいたわる

meditate: 瞑想する(いつかルーティーンに取り入れたいランキング3位)

try something new: 新しいことに挑戦する、語順を覚える



How about ~ と、What about ~ は、後ろに名詞や動名詞が来る

一方、Why don't you ~ や、Why not ~は、後ろに動詞の原形が来る。

どれも、提案 の意味を持つ。


Why don't you ~ は何度か見たことがあるが、Why not ~ はあまり使わないので意識的に使ってみようと思った。



日本人はよく、「My condition is bad.」という言い方をするが、それでは正しいニュアンスに取られない。ネイティブは、「I don't feel well.」や、「I don't feel so good.」という言い方をする。

体調のことを言う時には、feel を使う



I said: ~ get a TOEIC exam ...

Correct: ~ take a TOEIC exam ...



I said: Last month, I don't feel ~

Correct: Last month, I didn't feel ~

時制はいい加減間違えないようにする!! 過去のことを現在形で言いがち!!


relieve: 緩和する、楽にする




9/30英会話振り返り Part2


Goal: I can read and understand health advice



get eight hours of sleep: 8時間睡眠をとる

eat three decent meals: 3食きちんと食べる

quit smoking: たばこをやめる

limit your alcohol: アルコールを制限する

lose weight: 体重を減らす、痩せる

get active: 活動的にする


▶Grammar Tip

recommend you + (that) +動詞 や、suggest you +(that) +動詞 の形でアドバイスをすることができる


I recommend you get eight hours of sleep.

I suggest that you limit your alcohol.






I said: What are symptoms?

Correct: What are your symptom?

I said: My friend want to become ~

Correct: My friend wants to become ~



I said: She get weight.

Correct: She gained weight.

gain weight で、体重が増える、太るという意味なので覚えておく


I said: Everyone in my university have ~

Correct: Everyone in my university has

三単現の "s" を忘れない!



9/30英会話振り返り Part1


Goal: I can ask what a sick person has done to feel better.



take your temperature: 体温を測る

gargle: うがいをする

take Vitamin C: ビタミンCを摂取する

take medicine: 薬を飲む(drinkではないので注意!!)

get the flu shot: インフルエンザの予防接種をする






I woulen't worry too much about it.



Q. Should office buildings have smoking areas?

A. I think office buildings have some smokig areas, because cigarette smokers have the right to smoke. If they smoke near me, the second-hand smoke will have a negative impact on my health, so I think they should build some smoking areas in their office buildings.





Goal: I can listen to and understand someone's dietary restrictions



dairy products: 乳製品

animal products: 畜産物

greasy food: 脂っこい食事

sugary food: 甘い食べ物

organic fruits and vegetables: 有機栽培の果物と野菜(化学薬品を一切使っていない)

gluten: グルテン、小麦粉に水を加えてこねることで生まれる成分







I said: I drink a milk.

Correct: I drink milk.



I said: My friend don't like greasy food.

Correct: My friend doesn't like greasy food.



second hand smoke: 副流煙

fatty food: 脂肪性食品


I'll check this script after class.








I said: If you have a cough, you will eat ginkgo nuts.

Correct: If you have a cough, eat ginkgo nuts.

指示(instructions)やアドバイス(advice)の時は、if ~, 命令形 の形を取る


If you have a sore throat, drink green tea.

If you have a headache, eat almonds.


I said: I think it should be hay fever.

Correct: It could be hay fever.
It could[might,must] be ~の時は、I think をつける必要なし! I think なのが当たり前だから!


I said: You have your symptom might be hay fever I think.

Correct: Your symptoms might be hay fever.



I said: No, I haven't try to home remedies.

Correct: I haven't tried home remedies myself.



I hurt myself when I hit the table.

主語(subject)と目的語(object)が同じ場合、再帰代名詞(reflexive pronouns)を使う