





I said: If you have a cough, you will eat ginkgo nuts.

Correct: If you have a cough, eat ginkgo nuts.

指示(instructions)やアドバイス(advice)の時は、if ~, 命令形 の形を取る


If you have a sore throat, drink green tea.

If you have a headache, eat almonds.


I said: I think it should be hay fever.

Correct: It could be hay fever.
It could[might,must] be ~の時は、I think をつける必要なし! I think なのが当たり前だから!


I said: You have your symptom might be hay fever I think.

Correct: Your symptoms might be hay fever.



I said: No, I haven't try to home remedies.

Correct: I haven't tried home remedies myself.



I hurt myself when I hit the table.

主語(subject)と目的語(object)が同じ場合、再帰代名詞(reflexive pronouns)を使う