



Goal: I can give casual instructions for a home remedy



home remedies: 自宅療養

cut oneself: 切り傷を作る

burn onself: やけどをする

hurt oneself: けがをする

scratch oneself on [thing]: 「物」でひっかく

hit oneself with [thing]: 「物」にぶつける

treat oneself: 治療をする

reflexive pronouns: 再帰代名詞(文の主語と目的語が同じ時に使う)








Q. What do you do before bed?

A. Before going to bed, I exercise a little. Stretching exercises before bed can help me sleep comfotably. This is my one night rotine.


Q. What are the most common home remedies in Japan?

A. The most common remedy in Japan is using Band-Aid because people often cut themselves. Band-Aids prevent bacteria from entering the cut.

※ prevent A from B: AがBするのを防ぐ(Aに”対象”、Bに”結果”が入ることが多い)


Q. Do you think older people are more likely than younger people to use home remedies?

A. I think older people are more likely than younger people to use them because older people hurt themselves more easily than younger people.





Goal: I can read and understand what someone says about fitness



ZUMBA: コロンビアのダンサー兼振り付け師であるアルベルト・ベト・ペレスによって創作されたフィットネスプログラムの名称。ラテン音楽を中心にして世界中の音楽で行われるダンスプログラムであり、世界的に有名なエクササイズ


Pilates Method: 1920年代にドイツ人フィジカルトレーナーのジョセフ・ヒューベルトゥス・ピラティスが開発したエクササイズ。



○ What do you think is the best exercise?

Swimming is the best exercise because it is no strain on the knees and hips. Even the elderly can exercise easily.





Goal: I can read and understand what someone says about fitness



JST: Japanese Standard Time、日本標準時

ACST: Australian Central Standard Time、オーストラリア中部標準時間



Better safe than sorry: 用心するに越したことは無い


9/16 英会話振り返り


Goal: I can listen to and understand an explanation of symptoms



Q. What do you do when someone around you is sick?


A.  When someone around me is sick, I would have to be cautious to protect myself from getting sick. 

First, I'll ask what symptoms he is experiencing or suffering from. If he is manifesting transferable symptoms, I would excuse myself and stay away from the person.

Second, if the person doesn't manifest transrable symptoms, I would usually offer help like taking the person to nearby hospital or taking care of the person especially if he is someone close to me.






・would: 丁寧な表現の時に用いられる。will が意志を表すように、would も控えめに意志を示すときに使われる。

・be cautious: 戒める、用心する

・manifest: 形容詞、「明白な」という意味。ex) manifest evidence で明白な証拠

・transferable: 形容詞、「移すことのできる」という意味。ここでは感染症を表す

・excuse oneself: 席を外す、その場を去ることを丁寧に伝える表現。弁解する、言い訳をするという意味もある

stay away from ~: ~から離れる、~と距離を取る

・offer: 申し出る、提供する





Goal: I can read and understand what someone says about fitness



be out of shape: 体がなまっている

take up [something]: 「何か」を始める

hit the gym: ジムに行く

work out: 運動する

be in shape: 体調が良い

get in shape: シェイプアップする


▶Grammar Tip

reported speech(間接話法)



[Original Sentence] → [reported speech]

Kevin: My friend goes to the gym. → Kevin said My friend went to the gym.

Lisa: Did you try yoga before? → Lisa asked If I had tried yoga before.



Crunning : オーストラリアで2015年後半に流行った新しいエクササイズ。「Crawling(這う)」と「Running(走る)」が組み合わされてできた造語



9/19 英会話振り返り


Goal: I can talk about the possible cause of my symptoms



jet lag: 時差ぼけ

allergies: アレルギー

the flu: インフルエンザ

lack of sleep: 睡眠不足

agony: 苦悩

dizziness: めまい

heatstroke: 熱中症

itchy: 目がかゆくなる



▶Grammar Tip

must, might, could の可能性の度合い

must: 99%(ほぼ100%)

might: 50%(半々)

could: 20%(ワンチャンス)






I said: It is very very strong raining.

Correct: It is raining very hard.


I said: These two sound is same.

Correct: These two sounds are the same.




9/15 英会話振り返り


Goal: I can listen to and understand an explanation of symptoms



drunk: べろんべろん

slurp: (麵を)啜る、発音は「スラープ」

have a headache: 頭痛がする

feel dizzy: めまいがする

be sweaty:汗をかく

feel sick: 体調が悪い

have a stomachache:おなかが痛い

have a chest pain: 胸が痛い




I said: It is very tired.

Correct: It is very tiring.
